What is an effective approach to serious nuisance behaviour? How do you prevent delinquent behaviour? There is complexity behind this behaviour. This calls for domain-transcending collaboration between public health and public safety. The research group focuses its activities, together with partners, on strengthening that cooperation and thereby practice.

Serious nuisance or criminal behavior requires an integrated approach. This involves care, welfare, the municipality, the police, probation, housing, and other professionals working together. The Personalised Approach (PGA) aims to organise and strengthen joint and adequate action.

Police work is challenging. We want to help strengthen police work with activities from this research line. This covers themes such as working together with public health and welfare partners, investigating changes in society and their impact on police work, and the needs of police professionals for own development.

The Professional data awareness line enhances professionals' knowledge and awareness of responsible data handling, legal and ethical frameworks, and information security.

Professionals must pay attention to evidence and effectiveness when working on complex issues. The Evidence-Informed (EI) approach integrates different sources of knowledge, including science, practice, and experience, to increase effectiveness.

Our way of working is to connect professionals, students, and professors from various disciplines, institutes, and research groups. This facilitates collaboration between different organisations and domains, allowing people to learn from and cooperate with each other. Our approach helps prevent the need for individuals to reinvent the wheel.



The research group collaborates with teachers and students from programmes in the public care and public safety domain. We contribute to the implementation and development of undergraduate education, such as the minor Cooperation in Public care and Public safety. Are you a student interested in an internship? Get in touch.


The research group works with partners from education, research and practice. These are professionals working in national and local government agencies, municipalities, police, probation, youth services, care and welfare organisations and other social organisations. Partners include: Police Central Netherlands, Bureau for Regional Safety Strategy and the Platform Social Domain of VNG (The Association of Dutch Municipalities).


Andrea Donker | Professor | Knowledge analysis societal security

Andrea Donker

Professor Public health and public safety ResearchComponents.PersonsFeed.ButtonText
Picture of Lieke Brouwer

Lieke Brouwer

Researcher Public health and public safety ResearchComponents.PersonsFeed.ButtonText
Anke van Gorp | Researcher | Knowledge analysis societal security

Anke van Gorp

Researcher Public health and public safety ResearchComponents.PersonsFeed.ButtonText

Eveline van der Herberg

Public health and public safety ResearchComponents.PersonsFeed.ButtonText

Would you like to collaborate or do you have any questions?

Andrea Donker | Professor | Knowledge analysis societal security

Andrea Donker

  • Professor
  • ResearchComponents.ResearcherContactBlock.LectoratePublic health and public safety