Research group Moving, growing and thriving together
Lines of research within the research group
How can we support children and young people with (or at risk of) a disability and their families so they are able to grow up healthily together, play together, engage in sports together, and be active with their peers?
- Pebbles
- Reliability ABI-CA
- Complete
- Uitblinkers
How can we shape the physical environment and support the social environment so that children and young people with (or at risk of) a disability and their parents are able to grow up healthily together, play together, engage in sports together, and be active with their peers?
- Playing Together
- In Motion: Pediatric Physical Therapist 2040
- Frame Runner
- Impact Assessment for the Disabled Child Foundation
- Movewise
How can we develop innovative and future-oriented practices to enable professionals to support children and young people with (or at risk of) disability and their parents in growing up healthily together, playing together, engaging in sports together, and being active with their peers?
- How Active Are You?
- Wheelchair Skills Implementation Network
- Child PROMIS Shared Decision-Making
- Dukoo
- Educational Partnership
- Fellowship for Proper Use of Assistive Devices
Reliability of the ABI-CA concerning children with Acquired Brain Injury
ResearchComponents.ProjectsGrid.ItemLabelReliability of the ABI-CA concerning children with Acquired Brain Injury
Fellowship Good Use of Assistive Devices for Children
ResearchComponents.ProjectsGrid.ItemLabelFellowship Good Use of Assistive Devices for Children
On the move paediatric physiotherapist 2040
ResearchComponents.ProjectsGrid.ItemLabelOn the move paediatric physiotherapist 2040
The triad of research, education, and practice forms the foundation of all research projects. Many researchers are also lecturers in the Master’s program in Pediatric Physical Therapy and the Child in Motion Minor at the Institute for Human Movement Studies (IBS). Furthermore we are an integral part of the Inclusive Outdoor Play neighborhood locations (Kloosterplantsoen IJsselstein and De Hoef Utrecht). All outcomes of our research provide new input for the educational curriculum in general or with specific course content. Students actively participate in (parts of) our research, contributing to co-creation sessions, among other activities.
For the research group Moving, Growing and Thriving together, collaboration and connection with our partners are essential. Without collaboration with various advocacy organizations, knowledge institutions, healthcare and welfare organizations, diverse pediatric physical and occupational therapy practices, and regular and special education institutions, our research projects would not succeed. While the list is never exhaustive, key partners include: UMCU/WKZ, Prinses Máxima Centrum, Universiteit Utrecht, Kenniscentrum Revalidatiegeneeskunde Utrecht (KCRU), RC De Hoogstraat, Mytylschool Ariane de Ranitz Utrecht, Basisschool de Krullevaar Utrecht, DOCK Utrecht, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Amsterdam UMC, Haagse Hogeschool, Nederlandse Vereniging voor Kinderfysiotherapie (NVFK), Ergotherapie Nederland (EN), Samen Speelnetwerk, Stichting het Gehandicapte Kind, Stichting Wheelchair Skillsteam, CP Nederland, SBH Nederland, Adelante, Speeltuin het Kloosterplantsoen IJsselstein, Speeltuin De Hoef Utrecht, Werkgroep Kinderfysiotherapie Midden Nederland and also various primary care pediatric physio and occupational therapy practices.