Social professionals work in a complex and challenging professional practice. The Research group Living and Wellbeing contributes to the answers to important issues and dilemmas in the social domain, such as the impact of increasing diversity on professional practice and education, or the ethical dimension of social work and (youth) care and mixed housing.

Lines of research within the research group



Our research team regularly cooperates with teachers from the Institute for Social Work, the Institute for Nursing Studies, the HU-wide ethics teachers department, as well as other research groups and institutes.



We work together with a wide range of collaborative partners from professional practice, science and education. These include: Armoedecoalitie Utrecht,Dock, De Tussenvoorziening, Kennisplatform Utrecht Sociaal, Platform 31, Woningcorporatie Portaal and Sherpa.


Lia van Doorn | Professor | Research group Innovative Social Services

Lia van Doorn

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Maarten Davelaar | Researcher | Innovative Social Services

Maarten Davelaar

Researcher Living and Wellbeing ResearchComponents.PersonsFeed.ButtonText
Lizet van Donkersgoed | Lecturer / Researcher | Innovative Social Services

Lizet van Donkersgoed

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Aly Gruppen | Lecturer-researcher | Innovative Social Services

Aly Gruppen

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